Autumn 2024: Hope & Joy
It is increasingly a radical act to have relentless belief, faith, hope and optimism.
Lincoln Arts Centre continues to be the home for new artists and artistic ideas as they announce their Innovate Artist cohort for 2024-2025; five artists that receive seed commissions to develop new ideas, in addition to entrepreneurial support so they can innovate to sustain their artistic practice.
Among the cohort is writer and performer Georgie Jones, travelling folk band story tellers Boondog Balladeers, horror and hip-hop blending mover Hal Mayer, fine artist and community champion Tinashe Chipapwe and singer, songwriter and composer Rob Green.
Throughout their first year , Innovate Artists will work on projects with Lincoln Arts Centre, as well as develop their own creative artistry. The Innovate Artist scheme is designed to build and maintain artists local to Lincolnshire or within 40 miles of Lincoln, they will be supplied with tools to further their creative idea including business strategy support, advocacy and a network of partners who are open to presentation opportunities, rehearsal space in-kind, complimentary tickets for go-see trips, staff time and mentoring.
This is all made possible and powered by the Centre for Culture and Creativity at the University of Lincoln, a ‘think and do tank’, researching and leading on cultural programmes and creativity, who secured the University’s Arts Council National Portfolio status in April 2023.
The University of Lincoln is one of 12 universities to be included in Arts Council England’s National Portfolio of Organisations. This recognition, from the foremost agency for creativity and culture, means that the University of Lincoln can now be considered one of the premier venues for arts and cultural provision in the UK. As part of Arts Council England’s National Portfolio of Organisations, the University deliver projects and activities through the Lincoln Arts Centre and Barbican Creative Hub.
Experience the power of resilience and diversity at the "Resilience" art exhibition, by Lincoln Arts Centre Innovate Artist, Tinashe Chipawe, co-curated by Phil Bowman.
Join Captain Godfrey and his motley crew as they adventure across treacherous waters, battle bewitching sirens and learn the art of yodelling to catch fish. Through visual storytelling and original, live and looped music, this family show explores home and the many things we hold close to our hearts.
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