Toil & Trouble challenges the usual exhibition format by inviting guests to change it mid-way through the show!
Opening with artworks made and curated by Lucy Renton, Sue Withers and Anna Fairchild.
Intended to explore ideas of creativity, control, unpredictability, risk, and trust, the show offers visitors (and participants) thought-provoking ‘before’ and ‘after’ experiences.
It also invites fellow artists to think about, and publicly discuss how the uncertainty of the studio can contribute to an exhibition; if critical dialogue between artists can involve actions as well as words; whether exhibiting and curating should be more fluid processes, and how it benefits an artist to swap self-definition for self-discovery.
February 28th – Live Disruption by General Practice
Halfway through the show, Lincoln-based artist collective General Practice, have been given carte blanche to rearrange the exhibition. Moving or subtracting works of the original artists, adding works of their own, or introducing other objects, sounds, performances, scents or whatever they consider appropriate as a non-linguistic response to alter the experience of the exhibition for visitors.