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Frozen Light Theatre

Frozen Light Theatre based in Norwich creates exciting and original multi-sensory theatre for audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and tours it to theatre venues and arts centres nationwide. Lucy Garland and Amber Onat Gregory manage the creative programme at Frozen Light. They are passionate about their advocacy work for audiences with PMLD whilst always dreaming big about the next epic sensory endeavour.

This includes: stories and adventures; engaging interactive theatre; devised theatre with original and electrifying soundtracks; theatre that is fun and mischievous; theatre that questions; theatre that is bold; theatre that encompasses all senses.

In 2016 they were the first company to take a show specifically for audiences with PMLD to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and returned again in 2017 as part of the British Council Showcase. In 2019 they were invited to New Zealand to work with Charlotte Nightingale who at the time was working at Touch Compass Dance to support the development of the country’s first show specifically for audiences with PMLD which became ‘Masina Returning Home’.

Frozen Light Theatre presented ‘The Bar at the Edge of Time’ (October – November 2024) at the Lincoln Art Centre, which is their sixth and Offies nominated multi-sensory production. Most recently they have been announced as part of the Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations for 2023-2026.